
Since 2009 our firm brings legal advice, both to individuals and companies, in the areas of immigration law, citizenship, business and corporate immigration law, having an extended experience both in the field of Spanish immigration law and European immigration law.


  • Temporary residence for family reunification
  • Arraigos: Residence and work permits due to exceptional circumstances for overstayers (social, family, labor, training, etc.)..
  • Temporary residence and work permits
  • Self-employment temporary residence and work permit.
  • Non-lucrative temporary residence permits
  • Stay or temporary residence with the exception of work permits
  • Long term residence permits
  • Applications for Foreigner Identity Number (NIE) and Certificates.
  • Renewals and extensions of residence and work authorizations, family reunification, residence permits, turist visas, etc.
  • Residence card of family member of EU citizen
  • Permanent residence cards of family members of European Union citizens
  • Certificate of registration as an EU national
  • Domestic partnership proceedings (unmarried partner)
  • Mixed marriages

We provide legal advice for the processing of residence and work permits included in the international mobility section of Act 14/2013, of 27 September, of support to entrepreneurs and their internationalization:

  • Residence permits for highly qualified professionals
  • Residence permits for entrepreneurs
  • Digital nomad permits and visas and international teleworkers
  • Investor residence permits
  • Authorizations for researchers
  • Intracompany transfers

Processing of applications for Spanish nationality:

  • Applications for Spanish nationality by residence
  • Applications for Spanish nationality by option
  • Applications for Spanish nationality by simple presumption
  • Appeals against denegations of nationality applications
  • Processing visa applications and permits for students
  • Student card renewal applications
  • Applications for work permits while sudying
  • Family reunification applications for students relatives

Legal advice for obtaining visas:

  • Visa applications before Spanish consulates and embassies abroad.
  • Appeals for denegations of residence, work, studying and international mobility visas.

We assist foreign citizens in those sanctioning procedures that may be opened against them:

  • Assistance and defence regarding police detentions
  • Sanctioning procedures for expulsion, deportation or repatriation (brief of allegations ..)
  • Appeals against expulsion orders and detention orders
  • Presentation of applications for international protection (Asylum, subsidiary protection).
  • Appeals against denials of asylum.

Filing of administrative and court appeals before all kinds of immigration decisions, nationality and international protection.